Cooler Aid for Transport

We can add a cooler aid to your fresh petals to help them keep fresh while they travel. Please add this to your order for Fresh Petal delivery.


Small/5L for 5 litre Petals
Medium/10L for 10 Litre pPetals
Large20L for 20 Litre Petals

You Must add this for any delivery with any type of petals. We will not ship without this Aid.

NZ$ 5.99 - 14.99
Out of Stock please backorder
[{"colour":"","code":"COOL5","size":"Small","price":5.209,"qty":9999,"pid":3678089,"style":"5L","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/554892/pid3429538/ice_pax.jpg","title":"Cooler Aid for Transport"},{"colour":"","code":"COOL10","size":"Medium","price":8.687,"qty":9999,"pid":3678090,"style":"10L","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/554892/pid3429538/ice_pax.jpg","title":"Cooler Aid for Transport"},{"colour":"","code":"COOL20","size":"Large","price":13.035,"qty":9999,"pid":3678091,"style":"20L","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/554892/pid3429538/ice_pax.jpg","title":"Cooler Aid for Transport"}]

Note: Checkout will occur on the merchants website, and will open in a new browser tab.

Kumeu Flower Farm

+64 94127606

This business has been trading for 5.0+ years on Website Worlds eCommerce platform!

Categories: Flower petals (6)

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